Belows are sets of korean sentences translated into English. Choose the one which is NOT translated appropriately.

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Belows are sets of korean sentences translated into English. Choose th…

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Belows are sets of korean sentences translated into English. Choose the one which is NOT translated appropriately.

In the past quarter our domestic sales have increased by 50% while our overseas sales by 19%. - 지난 분기 우리의 국내 판매는 50% 증가 하였고 반면 해외 판매는 19% 증가 하였습니다.

I am wondering if I am able to postpone the meeting scheduled this Friday to next Friday. - 나는 당신이 이번 금요일로 예정된 회의를 다음 주 화요일로 왜 미루었는지 알고 싶습니다.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me on my direct line. - 질문이 더 있으시면 주저하지 마시고 제 직통전화로 연락하십시오.

Manual and service industry workers are often organized in labor unions. - 육체노동자들과 서비스 산업 종사자들은 종종 노동조합에 가입되어 있다.


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