해외 참가자로부터 다음과 같은 fax 혹은 email연락이 왔다. 어떤 회신이 적당한가?

팝업레이어 알림

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해외 참가자로부터 다음과 같은 fax 혹은 email연락이 왔다. 어떤 회신이 적당한가?

문제풀이 모드 0 정답률 : -

해외 참가자로부터 다음과 같은 fax 혹은 email연락이 왔다. 어떤 회신이 적당한가?


We will try to send you another letter of invitation but we doubt that it will arrive on time.

We will check the postal service regarding this matter. Meanwhile, we will fax you a new invitation letter before mailing it and contact our embassy to whom you may submit.

We have received a confirmation from the post office that it has arrived in your country. Try to contact the person who is in charge of your mail.

We have no authority over the issuance of the visa.
